Uraliisho dictionary

tämä = this, that

omama = to own, to posess, to have

karhunvatuko = blackperry

Liivlane = livonian

aluvo = zone, teritory

paako = place

hamšero = hamster

rooto = rat

kunnivo = honour

sydäno = hearth

judasmo = judaism

hiindusmo = hinduism

servero = server

maro = mari

vutna = to run

kumppano = partner

buddismo = buddism

soronostro = zoroastrianism

ikinö = never

armejo = army

vooso = year

toonen = another, other

koklane = whole

keerdesna = to ask, to invite

taavaankanso = firmament, vault

peso = nest

kaava = to dig

marša = to march

sole mikhään = (emotional word) "i do not care", "let it be", "nevermind"

aajo = cannon

buureš = ok, cool

rajo = border, edge, end

leeleko = soul

dänjupo = danube

veerell = next to

veeko = end

vasveeko = start, beginning

tämän = this (this ones own)

ruusko = sprayer, squirt, douche, vaccine

kuulo = cannon ball, bullet, anything used to shoot people as a weapon

kirjo = book

cookola = to kiss

megjelenteta = to publish

lootta = to trust

kejšaro = kaizer, tsar

senva = to suffer

tyrko = turkey

kawö = for long, long time

Romo = romani, gypsy

Kaalo = finnish gypsy/roma

herujo = any royal person who is not the king, kaizer, tsar or the queen

pojes = out, off, minus

tarkista = to check, to verify

teemo = topic, theme

ehotta = to suggest

saaŋaro = hero

kiijaltvaano = manifesto, edict, proclamation

aja = to plan to do, intend to do, aim to do; to be going to do, will do

ylehinlane = general, common, public

vaalo = light, sunshine

vaala = to shine

vasvaalo = darkness, shadow

kanavo = channel

poššo = pig

hevono = horse

madaaro = bird

pakoojo = owl

kano = chiken

tiicero = tiger

ciiko = snail

perhono = butterfly

käärmo = snake

elewaanto = elephant

hiiro = mouse

pooko = spider

lephako = bat

kilpikono = turtle

lisko = lizard

oravo = squirrel

kaaco = duck

sammakko = frog

homo = homosexual, gay

pišekso = bisexual

hetero = straight, heterosexual

išlamo = islam

uššono = religion

enämmiiššo = majority

vasenämmiiššo = minority

jotaki = something

asonoslane = identical, same

käjytäjyda = to act, to behave

ikaslane = true, real

vasikaslane = untrue, false

tarino = story

pooluveellane = biased

rekko = truck

icenällane = independent, self reliant

icenäljyyso = independence

laato = machine, motor

aakkoso = alphabet

wiko = wiki, wikipedia, any website hosting information like wikipedia

reepyla = to fly

keho = body

mindenki = everybody, everyone

ranto = beach

jyyrko =steep, sharp

väkövlane = spicy

vasmindenki = no one

reepyllane'laato = airplane, plane

kirjolo = library

kuuhto = cube

aallašo = pond, tank, pool, swimming pool, reservoir

juuhto = thing

oranššillane = orange ( color)

uutisök = news ( irregular word, no noun ending, has the ending for other word classes )

harmlane = grey

lampo = pond

uuja = to swim

kirjhiitalo = page "part of a book"¨

lesdamslane'aajuto = ambulance

parlane'aajuto = fire truck

vihrlane = green

vehro = grass, herb

kirjajo = reader, one who reads

kirjtošo = high quality book, any holy book (for example the bible)

jökero = the root of a plant

ešimerko = example

söro = beer

sörhiitalo = alchohol

kella = to must, to have to

sölo = grape

cikko = article

vapahuso = freedom, right

vapahuslane = free

tiit'soon'kirjo = Encyclopedia

edjetemešlane = universal

julistuso = decleration

šonkirjo = dictionary

kirja = to read

delelötto = morning, dawn

vasdelellötto = evening

aajuto = car

kallislane = precius, expensive

kirjina = reading

teekšto = text, lyric

Hod = that, so that

vas = negative prefix

Vaja = to be

Veeso = water, liquid

još = if

poldoklane = happy

poldokjyyso = happiness

vaspoldoklane = angry

vaspoldokjyyso = angriness, bad mood

älla = below, under

alko = origin, root

alklane = original

veero = blood

veerlane = bloody

veera = to bleed

veerina = bleeding

talo = house

taltošo = mansion

talhiitalo = room "part of a house"

too = that (object)

eero = euro

kanssa = with, also (only in informal speech)

tä = you

semmi = nothing

vassemmi = everything

saada = to get

saadina = gathering

saadajo = gatherer

saadöjo = catch

lyydlane = ludian

peenso = money, currency

peensa = to earn money

peensina = earning money

peenslane = rich person

Helsiŋo = Helsinki

peensatava = earnable

peenstonlane = someone without money, "broke"

peensolo = bank

Nacääko = size, measure, dimension

Ihminyjo = woman

ihminyjlane = woman like "womanly"

ihminyjokunto = womankind

ihminujokunto = mankind

ihminujlane = man like "manly"

Vepšlane = vepsian

höö = he, she, it

tarkotuššo = meaning

tarkotušša = to mean

make = we

täke = you ( plural )

pääjo = head, main

hööke = they

ma = i, me

še = it

šen = it's

šeke = those, them, they

šekenek = their

Meenmaajo = Torneo valley

meenmoojlane = tornedalian

näälko = hunger

näälka = to be hungry

palkano = balkans

Sööha = to eat

Sööhajo = eater, someone who eats

Sööhöjo = food

Sööhina = eating

Sööholo = restourant

Sööhhiitalo = small part of food, crumb

Sööhatava = eatable

Vassööha = to vomit

Vassööhatava = uneatable

Vassööhajo = someone who is vomiting

Vassööhina = vomiting

Värsööha = to choke

Värsööhöjo = someone who is choking

Värsööhöjo = choking

Sööhtonlane = someone who does not have food "starving person"

Sööhajoton = a starving person

hasaššako = marriage

hasaššaktonlane = celibate

Sööho = mouth

uwelleh = again

vastaan = against

vasvastaan = to support, "pro"

minna = to enter

suta = endow

minnöjo = entrance, door

vasminna = to leave

vasminnöjo = exit

voomo = power, strenght

voomlane = strong

vasvoomlane = weak

vasvoomo = weakness

voomöjo = muscle

Vihmo = storm

vihma = to storm

lehmyjo = cow

lehmujo = bull

Velo = nuclear, core, crux, root

ano = substance

Venemaajo = Russia

Venemaajlane = russian

voromaajo = south estonia

häämo = tavastia

Säpmo = lappland

Karto = map

kartöjo = map maker

Ruujo = finnmark

Rujlane = kven

Karjaalo = karelia

tašavaldkunto = republic

juno = train

sino = color

sinlane = colorful

pajtaršolo = battle friend, friend in war, comrade

paräto = friend

perätyjo = girlfriend

perätujo = boyfriend

perätjyyso = friendship

vasparäto = enemy

loovlo = song, music

loovlöjo = music player, cd

loovla = to sing, to play music

loovlajo =singer

pallane = alot

pallonk = how much

Tajk = or

kons = when, as, since

koškak = when (question)

opašša = to teach

opaššajo = teacher

alotta = to start

alotto = start

vasalotta = to end

vasalotto = ending

nolisi 0

eksi 1

kaksi 2

kolmsi 3

nekusi 4

viisi 5

ekšesi 6

kakšesi 7

kolmšesi 8

nekušesi 9

viišesi = 10

milesi = million

joojlane = good, well

kiihtu = thanks, thank you

maarö = already, yet

siija = hello

wiilotlane = violet, purple

tään = here, to here

mektalaala = to find

pallo = ball, football

tere = hello (when seeing first time)

kulahallu = see you

Onniteluk = congratulations

ellenta = to understand

nem = no

Kyl = yes

Rusit = bless you

šömajlane = beatiful, good looking

šömajjyyso = beaty

andakaššii = sorry, forgived

heeko = sand

heekhiitalo = grain of sand

kaik = all

kas = ( makes the word or sentence a question )

nelvo = language

soono = word

soona = to say

soonhiitalo = letter "part of a word"

sölseko = vegetable, plant

veketlane = black, dark

veketjyyso = blackess

halo = fish

maŋa = after, after all

veel = still, yet, even

waakuno = coat of arms

vaawo = baby, child

vaawlane = childish

Seel = there

jönna = to come, to arrive

vasjönna = to stay

vaalika = to become, to change, to turn into something

veno = ship, boat

jokku = someone, some

jönnasuuso = future

vasjönnasuuso = past

kumpa = wich, that, any

veheerojlane = white

vaalpunanlane = pink

keeklane = blue

šärkajlane = yellow

pirosojlane = red

veketojlane = black

miijert = why, why for

kuj = how

mahtavlane = amazing,awesome, great

kulašo = gulyash

Vislat = goodbye, bye

ahol = where

jalko = foot, march

Soomo = finland

šipaneeko = karelian pasty

ovo = door

väco = people, folk

Ihmino = human, person

ihminkunto = humankind

orro = nose

vooro = mountain, hill

Sawo = Savonia

sawlane = savonian

veseto = leader, guide, manager

veseta = to lead

oršähko = country, earth, terrain, ground

Markyro = mercury ( planet )

Maršo = mars

Jypitero = jupiter

Satyrnuušo = saturn

neptyyno = nepturne

urjaanuušo = uranus

pluto = pluto

päävo = day

kuuvo = month

eroopo = europe

tääpäänö = today, during this day

noolo = arrow

noolöjo = bow

noolajo = archer

Liho = meat, flesh

päro = pear

taaššela = to fight, to combat, to raid, to attack

taaššelo = combat

Ceso = bow

kehaso = spear

Rooco = sweden

Meehko = sword

meehka = to fight with swords

Rukseskoddo = deer

ceeŋajlane = deep

vasceeŋajlane = high

voohtita = to win, to have victory

voohtito = victory

nyt = now

vasnyt = before

no = well.. ( emotional word ))

pasmek = fuck you

perkele = curse word without a meaning

vas = fuck

paško = shit

vasvoohtita = to lose

vasvoohtito = loss

muuhto = snow

muuhtlane = snowy

Jeeŋa = ice, frost

Jeeŋlane = icy

rähkista = to love

rähkistjyyso = love

rähkistlane = lovely

rähkistö = lovely (adverb)

kuumallane = hot, warm

vaskuumallane = cold

oma = own (irregular word, word class does not change), can be used for posessives

soohto = war, conflict

moršo = walrus

uujlane = new

erotta = to seperate, to distinguish, to remove

vasuujlane = old

Tundro = tundra

semo = eye

sema = to see

samöjo = eyesight, vision

vassamöjlane = blind

vassamöjjyyso = blindness

Ilmö = without

akkor = then, at that time

lilimo = lily

erdo = forest

vo = tree

vhiitalo = wood

njuuro = seal ( animal )

Völa = to go up, to rise

vasvöla = to go down

katonajo = soldier

eela = to live

vaseela = to die

eelo = life

sallija = to let, to allow

vassallija = to ban, to not allow

vassallijo = ban

tärklane = important

vastärklane = unimportant

säämlane = saami

Järvo = lake

pero = family

daawo = north

suur- = grand (prefix)

dawlane = northern

Etelo = south

etellane = southern

keleto = east

keletlane = eastern

nuukato = west

nuukatolane = western

vutna = to walk

vutno = walk, leg

joršlane = fast, rapid, quick

joršö = quickly, rapidly

vasjoršlane= slow

vasjoršö = slowly

neveta = to laugh, to have fun

neveto = laugh, fun

cak = only, just, merely, alone, nothing, but

išorallane = izhorian

Vadjallane = votian

Madjaarlane = hungarian

Manjaarlane = Mansi

Hanjaarlane = Khanty

Komillane = Komi

Udmurtlane = Udmurt

Eršällane = erzyan

Mokšallane = moksha

Soomlane = Finn

Eestlane = Estonian

Maavaldo/Eesto = estonia

Inkero = ingria

Lopoko = flag

išurlane = izhorian

lektöpp= most ( ending does not change )

töp = more ( ending does not change )

Öco = bear


kuto = dog

poolo = side, half, aspect, facet, feature, -step(of parent or grandfather who is not blood relative or adopted)

Macko = cat

majomo = monkey

kiiko = snake

mer = cause, because, for

Cankollane = Csango

lici = around, about, close to, about that amount

ympäärikö = over, around, upside down

ympääro = circle

vär = prefix, to do wrong, to fail, to miss do

tanco = dance

tanca = to dance

tancina =dancing

Menna = to go, to move

Huujlane = loyal, faithfull

huvjo = loyalty

koto = home

kohti = towards

kotimaajo = homeland

huvjö = loyaly

piico = pizza

muuttuva = to change, to become

sekeenlane = poor, homeless

Tiita = to know, to have knowledge

tiito = knowledge, information

eerillane = seperate, distinct, detached

tiitöjo = brain

tiitlane = smart

pysso = bus

vastiitlane = dum, stupid

syntyva = to be born

kera = together

tasajarvollane = equal

arvo = worth, dignity

voja = to be able to, to can

aludna = to sleep, to rest

mekjavita = to improve, to fix, to make better

vasmekajivita = to fail, to break

värmekajivita =to do an accident, to accidentaly break

pöläta = to be scared of, to be afraid, to suspect

vaspöläta = to not be scared, to be brave

Kläppo = kid, son, daughter, child

kläppujo = boy

kläppyjo = girl

Nadjlane = big, huge, big sized

vasnadjlane = small

waldo = kingdom

törtenika = to happen, to occur, to take place

soojo = swamp

adna = to give, to lend

järko = reason, intelect, sense

lelkiismereto = conscience

leepo = bread

Raamatto = bible

niiku = as, like, same as,

kirikko = church

nimo = name

leeja = to hower, to float

pakanlane = pagan

pakanjyyso = paganism

eeko = sky, heaven

sellemo = ghost, spirit

henko = spirit (not a spirit being)

aŋelo = angel

purkoŋo = potato

eneclane = enets person

Jumhalo = god

ördöko = devill, demon, any form of an evil spiritual being

sukyjo = mother, mom

sukujo = father, dad

suko = parent

tahta = to want

aat = trough, across

kuninko = king

kuninkataro = queen



jooko = group , category


Eŋlandlane = English person

hivatalošlane = official, formal

sekota = to mix

sekoto = mix

sekotlane = mixed


urjalo = urals

ujrajlane = uralic


kuna = to write

kunina = writing

oršäktiito = geography

Halepispošumo = aleppo pine

kero = tree

karo = town, city

Tallino = tallin

tjulpano = tulip

pošumo= pine

kerano = adze

kerveso = axe

kodsuvkoto = ant

idöhko = angel

ro = air, wind

lovpo = alder

ko = hand, arm

sjušo = owl

vöšo = pearl

šönkoro = piano

pakuro = pike pole

sero = rain

tehka = to do, to make

tehkajo = creator, builder

tehlöjo = creation, build

tehklane = constructed

tervehtullooja = welcome

kuruco = kuruc

veterääno = veteran

saarasona = dry

vassaarasona = wet

tartano = to keep, to hold, to sustain, to take

Husaaro = hussar

keresto = cross, christianity

päävano = day, sun

puhlane = holy

vaspuhlane = unholy

mit = what

kin = who

neheslane = difficult,hard, heavy

Vasneheslane = easy, light

oppa = to learn

najonö = very

kui = than

vart = for, towards, toward

noho = arctic fox

lo = bone

ŋevejo = tought

ŋeveja = to think

para = to burn

paro = fire, burning object

lampo = butterfly

nyjo = sister

nujo =brother

no = brother, sister

hadapa = to assasinate, kill, murder, slay, slaughter

jako = fume, smoke, fog

po = space, distance, outer space, lenght, range

Seŋakoco = bell, doorbell

Saakso= germany

njeneclane = nenets person

aso = river

ös = and, also

vonsimo = berry

höšapo = box

ecömo = competition

vanta = to cut

puko = belly

muŋo = egg

soorupo = elk

saarityma = to fry

savyŋano = graveyard

savyŋanhiitalo = grave

apko = Khanty-Mansiysk

ešperanto = esperanto

parola = to speak esperanto

amiiko = spanish speaking friend

Sakaläläso = bite, wound

baceda = to breathe, to take in air

vasbaceda = to keep in breath

luŋho = eagle

horo = face

käto = fingernail

njano = nganasan

tunto = fox

ŋamto = horn

pakaso = neck

hunsero = old, aged

vashunsero = young

šoptero = helichopter

puliiso = police

takšo = taxi

šappahto = sabbath

aameŋŋ = amen

haaleluujjah = halelujah

mopo = motorcycle

ješo = jesus

Historijo = history

viiryšo = virus

cirilo = cyrillic alphabet

sevnomso = abuse, scold

eraskadomo = acceleration, haste, hurry, rush

serekso = ache, pain, injury, wound

capo = acid

erasajlane = active

vitemsa = to adjuct

lata = to put, to place

pokšo = adult, full grown, elder

lesdamsa = to aid, to assist, to help

arsemsa = to aim, to consider, to intend, to plan, to presume, to speculate, to think, to remember

vasarsemsa = to forget

pakaja = to speak, to say

pako = conversation, speech

pakajo = tongue

värarsemsa = to do a horrible plan, to remember wrong

arsemso = plan, devise, tought

nuvynaado = caribou

vara = to hold, to handle, to keep

šölumyto = selkup

pajo = wife

käko = cuckoo

kurko = crane

šeršoto = abacus

trupkosupo= aardvark

kodaša = to abandon, to give up, to lag behind

Words from yukaghir

vadullane = tundra yukaghir

odullane = southern youkaghir / kolyma yukaghir

vodullane = yukaghir

Original words not taken from any language

Kuhroto = Turku

Ruukšooŋo = siberia

ŋaaho = social media

ŋahko = traditional costume

šahko = uralic traditional costume

yhko = yukaghir traditional costume

ŋöklane = yeniseian

Ruuŋo = Kamchatka Penisula

ŋaakroho = mythical creature

iiniko = uralic paganism

triišo = shaman

ŋaaššaadro = grammatical case

aššaaklo = aurora borealis

ŋaŋŋaro = adjective

šiiŋo = internet

Ryyhoŋo = sin

trapaššo = verb

kawaaššo = noun

ärrooššo = adverb

ŋaakno = video

draporo = america

ŋaajo = latin alphabet

öösko = australia

haarrooppo = asia

hurrah = = hurray, cheers ( emotional word )

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